Bengal Bihar Nepal Junction

Raj Basu lead me to this title which aptly describe Doke location though it can be Galgalia too where roads from all three above locations met on two banks of Mechi and the whole geography was in a flux – Mughals were not really interested in these boundaries where there was nothing much to loot and mosquitoes ran the roost – now I have to decide which one to select.
In absence of any administration or governance this area was left to itself and it became a wasteland thru which monks travelled from Lhasa to Nalanda and monasteries were established to support the travellers with food and shelter – water was always the sustenance and home to safe food in form of fish and fruits. The other route from Kabul to Guangzhou also passed thru this area and the crossroads of these two routes was somewhere here only. Bhatdala pond on Thakurgunj main square must be that place and we have to dig that deeper and deeper.

Bhusna was a small mosquito which formed a hallow around the head of humans by encircling in thousands and bit to make an unhealing wound. This deadly thing drove everybody away and the only locals who survived were the Mech tribals who were so few in number also driven away by elephants and rhinos of these swamps around Mahananda, Mechi, Doke & Chenga rivers.

The government invitation to plant tea in this non-traditional tea growing area brought us here in 1998 and it took us 25 years to recognise above facts when government itself started doing so much infrastructure development for industry friendly environment and we find all sorts of modern activities coming in here inclusive of tourism. Our place is fit for a big resort as plenty of water bound activities are possible and presence of sweet water dolphin swimming upstream from Ganga river is an added attraction.

Nalanda was revived today after 800 years and let’s do our bit by selling our black fusion as Buddha Tea which is the reality.

This area is truly organic because of being virgin and having so many birds and water from river linking project lately. Bihar government intense agriculture initiative has helped environmental issues.

Letβs work on this !
by Rajiv Lochan
This is a picture taken when I went to Siliguri last spring.
Called out charity market on Sunday,
I was on the way with Rajiv sir.
In a crowded square,
Hand crafted items and sweets,
An array of fruits and more,
The warm atmosphere was so much fun~
The booth near the entrance has a small kitchen,
I introduced green tea and Japanese tea here.
Green tea of course
Purely handmade organic tea
Black Fusion from DOKE.
The gentle taste that absorbs the body so much,
Assamese breed but straight is recommended.
I can’t even contain the milk.
I hope you enjoy the natural flavor (^^βͺ
Even those in India native
“The first taste! I was raving about it.
Because a sweet sweetness soothes the soul,
This would be perfect for an event like this!
Japanese tea is,
Shizuoka is the universe, making tea with layers of passion
Yamazuen Kiyoko Uchino’s “Crocodile Dew” was presented.
This tea is ,
Drop a drop, drop a drop on a small brown bag,
That rich, rich flavor,
I was told the benefits and I had a taste of the sweetness.
When the taste changes with two or three seconds,
Reaction of a person who drank tea = Be surprised,
I wonder how happy you made me (^^βͺ
I intend to return this to Kiyoji-san, but
This skin sensation is always special.
The tea is so amazing.
I want to pass this on to many people! I think so.
For this tea
Responsibility of meeting you
Known responsibility