Author: rajivlochan

Serving Society with Superior Quality Products

Tea blossom….

Carol or Lin Zhi Lam from Hong Kong and acquainted to me in Beijing, brought me to Prof. Xu who invented, isolated, derivated tea flowers into many uses which were patented world wide and I corroborate with them to use Darjeeling components into beverage having extraordinary flavours and the work is going on…

Behind the scenes..

There is so much which is NOT written about tea and has to be rummaged thru with perseverance like gold prospecting from the mountains of word of mouth knowledge and information floating around in the form of stories and folklore and that is where AC Cargill is unrelentingly working for the cause of tea in close engagement…
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The man who taught me so much..

Dan Robertson added value to my brain which was so limited to a knowledge that plucking leaf and making them disappear in the drying machine is the act of tea and beyond that is a big —- but when I saw the tea culture thru his eyes the whole paradigm changed and I was in…
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My discourse with China…

Xiao Juan of Beijing met me in 2004 and then we never looked back – it has been a long relationship with innumerable visits to each other’s countries as well as business, travel, culture, education, training, guidance etc etc to verious companies, embassies, institutions, universities, research stations etc etc all over China and India….

another Dan..

Dan Bolton has kick-started his “The Tea Journey” magazine during World Tea Expo 2016 June in Las Vegas which is an ultimate online source of information on every walk of tea like cultivation, consumption, marketing, advertisement, statistics, research, education, culture, history, science and health benefits..

A bridge of tea..

It was China which had tea initially and the debate carries on how it spread worldwide and after traveling far and wide for business I feel it is most appropriate way of spreading the message of tea by presenting ceremonies in diverse ways. Recently our government did a India China culture week with yoga as…
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Story of a leaf..

Prof Wang Xufeng of Zhejiang Agricultural & Forestry University, Hangzhou, author of her tea culture book winning highest Chinese literary Mao Dun prize and filmed into a 300 minutes CCTV documentary has put me into the orbit of international college education and we have done three events at Hangzhou, Delhi and Wenzhou in last two…
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Wu Zu temple in Hubei…

Guitian Li of Changsha now settled in New York, brought me face to face with destiny as she got me invited to visit a 2670 year old remote Wu Zu Buddhist temple near Huangmei where a Zen & Tea seminar will be held from 14-16th October 2016 and it will be my first attempt to…
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It is fusion….

China has tea at 30 degree latitude – a line drawn along Yangtze – having most of those delicate green fragrant teas like 西湖龙井 but in India we have tea at 23 degree latitude of Assam and Darjeeling – mostly strong black teas needing sugar to go down the throat – and we at Doke…
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Without a teacher there is no direction…

When I went to China in October 2004 I was deaf, dumb and illiterate so I had to find a teacher and finally I got one and pretty quickly and a right one – Xu Jie or Jane as she has a English name too – and right one because she is a teacher for…
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